
没有什么比烧烤更能代表夏天了. Warm evenings with the mouth-watering aroma of a juicy steak (paired with grilled potatoes and summer squash) wafting across the lawn —  it’s hard to beat.

But the yummy food coming off the grill isn’t the only positive of grilling. 你还可以节省澳门威尼斯人. Cooking inside during the hot summer months puts two of the biggest energy-consuming appliances — your oven and air conditioner — to work.

The energy-saving advantage of grilling is especially relevant this year as higher natural gas costs are increasing energy costs for homeowners. The cost of natural gas impacts electric customers because natural gas is used to generate electricity.

因为这个原因, energy conservation — like using your grill rather than your oven — will be even more impactful this summer. 但你不必止步于此.


  • 策略性地使用你的大型电器. Minimize indoor heat by running appliances, like your dishwasher or oven, at night. Avoid using any heat-generating appliances between 2 - 8 p.m.
  • 不使用小型电器时拔掉插头. 这可以防止幽灵澳门威尼斯人的使用. 让你的吊扇起作用吧. Set ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise in the summer, pulling hot air up and letting the cooler air sink. The fans create air flow, which, in combination with your air conditioning, help keep rooms cool. Just remember to turn off ceiling fans off when no one is in the room.
  • 设置恒温器. Switch to a programmable thermostat to help manage energy use based on your schedule, and consider adjusting your temperature threshold up five degrees. For every degree of adjustment, your energy usage can decrease by 6-8%.
  • 确保你的空调工作效率高. Consider signing up for an AC inspection to set your AC up for success. An inspection will verify that your appliance is working as efficiently as possible, 这将转化为更低的澳门威尼斯人成本. 了解有关检查的更多信息以及如何进行检查 报名参加服务警卫计划.
  • 选择不需要烹饪的菜肴. 把这个 牛仔鱼子酱 比如我们的员工食谱. 不做饭意味着不消耗澳门威尼斯人.


您的客户门户 helps give a real-time look at what in your home is using the most energy and when, 帮助你适应储蓄.

Now that we’ve established that grilling is awesome, it’s important to remember the fire risks that can come with it. Anytime you’re working with fire, especially on hot, dry days, you need to stay alert.


  • Only grill outside and keep the grill at least three feet from siding and deck rails.
  • 烧烤时要穿合适的衣服. Avoid long sleeves or pieces of materials that dangle and can catch fire easily.
  • Keep a spray bottle and a fire extinguisher handy.
  • 在点燃燃气烤架之前一定要打开它.
  • 永远不要离开你的烤架. 只要它一亮,你就盯紧它.
  • Clean your grill with a brush after each use to remove grease.
  • If you’re using a charcoal grill, put the coals into a metal can once they have cooled. 

And while you’re thinking of grilling safety, let’s not forget skin safety. Having five or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma. So, break out the sunscreen before you head out to the grill and make sure you’re covered.

你还在等什么? 把烤架拿出来, throw on a marinated chicken breast and some corn on the cob and settle into your nearby patio chair. It will make for a perfect summer evening and lower energy bills. 这是双赢.





  • 6个西红柿,切丁
  • 1个青椒,去籽切丁
  • 1个洋葱,切丁
  • 2个墨西哥辣椒,去籽切丁
  • 1个大鳄梨,去皮,去核,切丁
  • 15盎司的玉米罐头,沥干水 
  • 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed well and drained
  • 2/4汤匙酸橙汁
  • 半杯清淡的意大利调味汁
  • 4个中等大小的蒜瓣,压紧
  • 1茶匙海盐或根据口味添加


  1. Combine tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, jalapenos, avocado, corn, beans.
  2. Add lime juice, Italian dressing, garlic and salt.
  3. Mix it all together and serve with your choice of tortilla chips.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can bake your own tortilla chips! Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and line two baking sheets with foil. 用披萨切片机, cut tortillas into 8 triangles by cutting in quarters then eighths; place in a bowl. Drizzle olive oil and spices over tortilla triangles and mix well so all tortillas are evenly coated in oil and spices. 不要害怕用你的手! Divide tortillas evenly between both baking sheets and spread out so that they are in an even layer. 烤15-18分钟,或烤至焦黄. (根据烤箱的不同而不同.)在密封容器中保存最多4天.



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