

花点时间为寒冷的天气做准备. 通过减少你的澳门威尼斯人消耗, you can keep your bills lower and take steps to a more energy-efficient lifestyle. 这里有一些简单的方法可以让你更加注意你的澳门威尼斯人使用.


  • 更换过滤器. Dirty filters make your furnace run much harder and circulate dirty air through your house. 你应该能透过滤光片清楚地看到光. 如果没有,则需要更改. 每月清洗你的炉子过滤器, and follow any other routine maintenance procedures described in the owner's manual.
  • 清理杂物. Sometimes, when our furnace hasn’t run in a few months, we inadvertently store things around it. 如果储存的物品是易燃的,这是特别危险的. 一定要清理掉炉子周围的空间. While you’re at it, check vents in your home and make sure nothing is blocking them.
  • 进行炉膛检查. 一旦寒气来了,你的炉子就会拼命工作. Make sure it’s in peak condition with an inspection from one of our experienced techs. 一个高效运行的熔炉将节省你的澳门威尼斯人成本. 考虑报名参加一个 服务警卫计划 为了额外的心灵平静. 在Service Guard公司,电器坏了不是紧急情况.  


  • 检查阻尼器. If you have a fireplace, make sure your damper 关闭s tightly when you're not using it. 关闭风门可以节省8%的家庭热量. An open or poorly fitted damper will allow the warm air from your home to escape out the chimney.
  • 确保通风良好. 如果设计不当, a fireplace can pull cold air into the building along the floor and make the room cold. Many newer fireplaces are made with vents to provide fresh cool air and give off warmed air. 壁炉上的玻璃板可以起到很好的效果.
  • 做安全检查. 把烧木头的器具远离墙壁, 确保烟囱是按照安全指南安装的. You should also make sure your chimney is clean and that a qualified contractor inspects it annually.


  • 把火关小. You can save as much as 10 percent a year on your heating bill by simply turning your thermostat back 10 percent to 15 percent for eight hours. You can do this automatically without sacrificing comfort by installing an automatic setback thermostat (also known as a clock or programmable thermostat). You can set this type of thermostat to automatically turn down or up during certain times of the day. Check with your heating contractor or local hardware store for costs involved in the installation of programmable thermostats.
    • A good rule of thumb is to set the temperature as low as you can and still be comfortable. Each degree you lower your heat in the 60-70 degree range will save 2 percent on your heating costs. 理想的温度是68度左右.
  • 将恒温器移离热源. Locate your thermostat on an inside wall where it won't be affected by the sun or a heat source.
  • 你也可以通过安装一个 控制器的需求. (仅适用于南达科他州.)


  • 外墙保温. 适当的绝缘材料能让你的家冬暖夏凉. In fact, you can lose as much as 20 percent of your heating energy through an un-insulated ceiling. 阅读一些有用的建议,使你的家绝缘.
  • 检查管道工作. Most ducts are in unheated spaces and are a common source of heat loss. 获取有关绝缘的更多信息.


  • 更换旧窗户. If you have an older home or office, consider replacing older windows that allow air drafts. If that's too expensive, consider initially replacing the draftiest windows first.
  • 安装防风玻璃门.
  • 填缝和密封任何开口. 通过嵌缝和挡风门窗来防止热量流失.
  • 让阳光照进来. 取下窗户上的遮阳篷,让冬天的阳光照进来. Close your drapes on cold days and at night but open them during the daytime. 这将有助于太阳加热你的家.


  • 透过烤箱的窗户检查食物. 每次打开门,你可能会损失25到50华氏度.
  • 在烹饪时间结束前几分钟关掉烤箱. 对很多菜来说, 尤其是那些需要长时间烹饪的, 你可以在完成前几分钟关掉烤箱. 烤箱会保持足够的温度来完成这项工作.
  • 自清洁功能是昂贵的. Learn to wipe up promptly after baking or roasting to avoid using the self-cleaning feature. “连续清洁”烤箱不需要额外的澳门威尼斯人.
  • 擦亮你的反射板. 又脏又钝的平底锅吸收热量而不是反射热量.
  • 将平底锅与表面燃烧器匹配. 适合烧锅的锅煮得更好.
  • 烹调食物前先解冻. 通过烹饪来解冻食物是很浪费的,而且不会煮熟.
  • 尽可能使用较小的烹饪器具.


  • 用淋浴代替泡澡. 一般来说,淋浴要用10-20加仑的水,而泡澡要用30加仑. 但是淋浴时间不要超过5分钟.
  • 把漏水的水龙头修好. 每秒一滴水等于一周60加仑的水. A leak that would fill a coffee cup in 10 minutes would waste 3,280 gallons of water in a year.
  • 尽可能使用冷水. 现代洗涤剂允许你使用冷水比以往任何时候都多. Eighty to 85 percent of the energy used in washing clothes is from heating the water.
  • 安装限流器和曝气器. 通过在淋浴喷头和水龙头上安装水流限制器, 你可以节省高达50%的热水费用. There are different types of flow restrictors for shower heads and aerators for other faucets. 它们都能在不引人注意的情况下减少用水量.
  • 降低热水器的设置. 将你的温度设置降低几度可以节省澳门威尼斯人. Lowering your temperature to under 120 degrees can save you up to 10 percent on your water heater costs.
  • 按需热水器. For on-demand water heaters, ensure there isn't hardwater build up on the heating elements


  • 不要用一个完整的洗涤周期来洗几件衣服. On the other hand, jamming too much into a wash load causes extra wrinkles and lint.
  • Always clean the lint trap after each use, or before you start a new load. 另外,仔细检查你衣服的口袋.
  • 保持清洁. Maintain dryer vents and clean underneath and behind the dryer regularly.
  • 计划你的干燥周期. First dry larger, bulkier clothes, and then use a shorter cycle for small, light garments.
  • 不要过度使用肥皂水. 太多的洗涤剂可能会损坏你的衣服和洗衣机. 尽可能使用冷水或温水. 当你使用较冷的水时,你会节省每一负荷. 冷水有助于减少绒毛.
  • 及时处理维护问题. If dryers are taking longer than usual, it can contribute significantly to your electric usage.


  • 使用调光器或三路开关. Oftentimes our lighting needs depend on whatever activity we’re doing at the time. Installing dimmer switches or using three-way bulbs will let you select the right amount of light for each activity.
  • 做一个“开明的”装饰师. 用照明来装饰你的家或公司. Light colors reflect light, so use them in areas you want to be bright.
  • 保持照明设备清洁. 越干净的灯泡越亮. 但是在清洁之前让白炽灯泡冷却,否则它们可能会破裂.
  • 尽可能使用自然光.
  • 使用LED灯泡. LED灯泡使用了你家里大约20- 25%的澳门威尼斯人, 寿命是传统白炽灯泡的25倍.
  • 安装运动探测器或定时开关. 在人流量少的地区,比如户外地区, 地下室或车库, 一盏灯开着好几天是很容易的. 通过安装运动探测器或定时开关, 你可以确保你没有在不必要的地方照明. 


Holiday lighting can add up on your November and December household power bill. 但你可以花更少的钱来举办一个节日展览. Here are some things to think about as you plan your holiday decorations.

  • LED灯: LEDs are less expensive to operate and work well outdoors because of their durability and performance in cold environments.
  • 灯泡瓦数: The large, traditional bulbs (may be labeled C-7 or C-9) use four to 10 watts per bulb. 迷你灯每个灯泡耗电约四分之一瓦, 而新的LED灯只消耗百分之四瓦特. 灯泡的瓦数越低,它使用的能量就越少.
  • 每串灯泡数: 较大的球茎通常以25美元一串的价格出售, 而较小的灯泡组每串可能有35到200个灯泡. 冰柱灯每10英尺长有100个灯. LED灯每串有35-100个灯泡.
  • 每栋房子的琴弦: 你用的灯越多,你用的电就越多. 但不管你是只用一根光弦还是多根, you'll be rewarded with a lower power bill if you use energy-efficient lights.
  • 时机决定一切: You can reduce your energy use by running your outdoor lights on a timer pre-set for three to five hours and by using mirrors and tinsel around indoor lights to increase the lighting effects.

通过改变一些习惯和更密切地监控你的使用情况, 你会发现创造一个节能的家比你想象的要容易. 

  • 在家穿暖和一点. 在家穿毛衣或其他保暖的衣服真的很有帮助. Loose-fitting clothes are comfortable, and they help hold in your body heat naturally.
  • 仅在需要时使用通风机. 节约使用厨房、浴室和其他地方的通风机. 在短短一个小时内,这些风扇可以吹走一屋子的热空气. 他们一完成工作就把他们关掉.
  • 将家具搬离空气记录仪. 这允许热空气自由流动.
  • 不使用它? 拔掉它. 拔掉打印机等办公设备的插头, 碎纸机, 扫描仪, 及其他家用电器, 比如你的咖啡机, 以防止他们在不使用时汲取能量.


